Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We thought your readers might be interested in knowing that Optronics
Africa have been able to secure the loan of a thermal imaging fever
detection system for demonstration purposes from Xenics Infrared
Solutions, our supplier of infrared technology in Belgium. If you are
aware of any colleagues or clients that may be interested in this
information, please feel free to forward the e-mail to them.

Instead of using it purely for demonstration purposes, we have decided
to make this system available to an end-use site falling in the
following category:
- South African Port Health Authorities (National Harbour, Border Post
or International Airport).

The system will be available at no cost for a period of six months
(including the time taken up by shipping and customs clearance). *
Conditions apply to the loan of the system, such as safe-keeping and
right to use information for promotional purposes.

In order to allocate the system in a fair and transparent manner, we
have decided to make it available to the end-user site that submits the
winning motivation. The motivation should contain at least:

A submission describing why such a system would be of benefit to your
site, and how this would in turn be of benefit to the country as a whole.

For information describing how the thermal imaging technology used in
fever detection is implemented, please visit our blog at:

For additional information please contact me on 082 454 8732

François Collin

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