Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dutywa district to launch Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign

12 May 2010

The need for an integrated approach by stakeholders in education through various ways with the aim of striving for excellence in schools and improvement of outcomes in education has led the Dutywa District Education Forum to support the launch of Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign (QLTC) scheduled to take place in the Elliotdale Playgrounds on 13 May 2010 at 10h00.

The launch themed: "Together in Action for Quality Learning and Teaching", is an attempt to ensure that all communities participate fully the education of their children. All departmental stakeholders and community members are therefore urged to be part of this event as education is viewed as the societal issue.

In making sure that the QLTC message is communicated, this launch will inform these stakeholders of their role as contained in the pledge to be signed by them during the launch. The pledge request some dedication and commitment for the sustenance of the campaign even beyond the launching event. It also gives guidelines of its expectation through the non-negotiables for parents, learners, educators and other stakeholders in their participation.

NB: The media is therefore invited to attend this event and there are scheduled interviews with the honourable MEC, Mahlubandile Qwase, who will be the guest speaker on the day.

The event will be held as follows:

Venue: Elliotdale playgrounds, Dutywa
Date: 13 May 2010
Time: 10h00

For enquiries, please contact:
Mali Mtima
Cell: 084 842 7872

Loyiso Pulumani
Cell: 083 275 0675

Issued by: Department of Education, Eastern Cape Provincial Government
12 May 2010
Source: Department of Education, Eastern Cape Provincial Government

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